
Showing posts from January, 2019

'Brooklyn Cop' by Norman MacCaig

Brooklyn Cop   Built like a gorilla but less timid,                                     thick‑fleshed, steak‑coloured, with two hieroglyphs in his face that mean trouble, he walks the sidewalk and the 5         thin tissue over violence. This morning, when he said, "See you, babe" to his wife, he hoped it, he truly hoped it. He is a gorilla to whom "Hiya, honey" is no cliché.   10       Should the tissue tear, should he plunge through into violence, what clubbings, what gunshots between Phoebe's Whamburger         and Louie's Place.   Who would be him, gorilla with a nightstick, 15       whose home is a place he might,...

'Aunt Julia' by Norman MacCaig

Aunt Julia          Aunt Julia spoke Gaelic        very loud and very fast.        I could not answer her —        I could not understand her.   5       She wore men's boots        when she wore any.        — I can see her strong foot,        stained with peat,        paddling with the treadle of the spinningwheel 10      while her right hand drew yarn        marvellously out of the air.          Hers was the only house        where I've lain at night        in the absolute darkness 15      of...